
Denis Henshaw

Research Interests

The Human Radiation Effects Group is funded by the charity CHILDREN WITH LEUKAEMIA to research environmental causes of childhood leukaemia, with emphasis on non-ionising radiation. Evidence suggests that power frequency magnetic fields suppress the production in the pineal gland of the important hormone and natural anti-cancer agent melatonin and this may explain the adverse health effects associated with magnetic field exposures. High voltage powerlines also emit corona ions which may help explain an apparent increased risk of childhood leukaemia up to 600 metres away in the UK. Professor Henshaw is a member of the co-ordinating committee of the Government Stakeholder Advisory Group for EMF (SAGE).


P R James, J J Close, P A Keitch, J E Allen, A P Fews and D L Henshaw
Morphological features of the micro-distribution of naturally occurring 210Po and 226Ra in the teeth of children and juveniles.
International Journal of Radiation Biology, 80(3), 185-198, 2004.
See abstract here

P R James, J J Close, P A Keitch, J E Allen, A P Fews and D L Henshaw
Aspects of the geographical variations in naturally occurring 210Pb­supported 210Po in permanent teeth of juveniles in the UK.
International Journal of Radiation Biology, 80(3), 199-208, 2004.
See abstract here

Henshaw, D. L. and Fews, A. P.
Health effects of high voltage powerlines.
Electromagnetic Environments and Health in Buildings. Chapter 15, pp 295-306. Ed: Derek Clements-Croome. Published by: Spon Press, London, 2004. ISBN 0-415-31656-1

A P Fews, N K Holden, P A Keitch and D L Henshaw
A novel high resolution small ion spectrometer to study ion nucleation of aerosols in ambient outdoor air.
Atmospheric Research 76, (2005), 29-48.

D L Henshaw and R J Reiter
Do magnetic fields cause increased risk of childhood leukaemia via melatonin disruption?
Bioelectromagnetics Suppl. 7: S86-S97; 2005.
See abstract here

E .A. Ainsbury, E Conein and D L Henshaw
An investigation into the vector ellipticity of ELF magnetic fields from appliances in UK homes.
Physics in Medicine & Biology, 50, (2005), 3197-3209.

Allen, J. E., Close, J. J. and Henshaw, D. L., 2006.
Static electric fields as a mediator of hospital infection.
Indoor & Built Environment, 14, 49-52.

E .A. Ainsbury, and D L Henshaw
Observations on the relationship between magnetic field characteristics and exposure conditions.
Physics in Medicine & Biology, 51, 6113-6123, 2006.
See abstract here

M D Wright, A P Fews, P A Keitch and D L Henshaw
Small-ion nano-aerosol production during candle burning: size distribution and concentration profile with time.
Aerosol Science and Technology, 41: 475-484, 2007.
See abstract here

M J O’Carroll and D L Henshaw
Comment on “Developing Policy in the Face of Scientific Uncertainty: Interpreting 0.3 µT or 0.4 µT Cutpoints from EMF Epidemiologic Studies” by Kheifets et al. in Risk Analysis, 25(4), 927-935 (letter).
Risk Analysis Vol. 27, No. 2, April 2007

M J O’Carroll and D L Henshaw
Re: “Nighttime exposure to electromagnetic fields and childhood leukaemia: an extended pooled analysis” (letter).
American Journal of Epidemiology 166: 859, 2007.

M J O’Carroll and D L Henshaw
Aggregating disparate epidemiological evidence: comparing two seminal EMF reviews.
Risk Analysis 2007 (In press).
See abstract here

M J O’Carroll and D L Henshaw
Adult leukaemia near powerlines (letter).
Internal Medicine Journal 2007 (In press).

D L Henshaw Jonathan P Ward and James C Matthews
Hypothesis Review: Can disturbances in the atmospheric electric field created by powerline corona ions disrupt melatonin production in the pineal gland?
Submitted to Journal of Pineal Research.
See abstracthere